

Software Buat Upload Foto di Facebook atau Web (FILEminimizer Pictures)

Setelah kemarin lughot menulis artikel tentang Kumpulan Software Facebook Gratis. Posting kali ini kaitannya dengan FB yang identik dengan kegiatan upload-upload foto. Software yang lumayan keren banget. Bisa bikin kompres image sampe 98% tanpa mengurangi besarnya ukuran pixel ma maupun kualitasnya. Cocok bagi sobat yang suka upload di facebook, forum, website, dll, biar gambarnya tidak jadi BWK. Kalo ukuran file gambarnya kecil kan nguploadnya jadi cepet. Softwarenya juga ringan, jadi lebih simple dan praktis daripada ngecilin pake software lain sejenis yang membutuhkan keahlian khusus. Software ini mudah banget digunakan. Dan tidak kalah dengan software-software foto editor lain.

Keterangan dari situs resmi :
FILEminimizer Pictures is free software to reduce the size of your images, photos and pictures by up to 98% through our native file optimization technology. After compression, your photos and images are still in your image format and are still beautiful - but a lot smaller in size!

Share your photos and images easily online on Flickr® and co. and send images easier via email. Optimize and upload photos easier to Facebook® with FILEminimizer's Facebook upload functionality and never waste time again.

FILEminimizer Pictures Features:
* JPEG file compression by up to 98% - reduce your JPEG files from 5MB to 0.1MB in size
* Also compresses BMP, GIF, TIFF, PNG and EMF images and pictures
* Keeps the original file format - simply edit, view and change it without the need to unzip
* Compress whole digital photo albums and galleries at once using a batch process
* Choose the most adequate compression level from 4 different options
* Facebook integration compress your photos and upload them directly to Facebook
* Integrated search function finds all optimizable image files on the PC
* "Drag & Drop" files directly into FILEminimizer Pictures to optimize several files at once
* Fully compatible with Windows 7

Bagaimana cara upload foto di facebook :
search assistant:
open files:
edit file list:
optimization results:
upload to facebook:
Setelah kemarin lughot menulis artikel tentang Kumpulan Software Facebook Gratis. Posting kali ini kaitannya dengan FB yang identik dengan kegiatan upload-upload foto. Software yang lumayan keren banget. Bisa bikin kompres image sampe 98% tanpa mengurangi besarnya ukuran pixel ma maupun kualitasnya. Cocok bagi sobat yang suka upload di facebook, forum, website, dll, biar gambarnya tidak jadi BWK. Kalo ukuran file gambarnya kecil kan nguploadnya jadi cepet. Softwarenya juga ringan, jadi lebih simple dan praktis daripada ngecilin pake software lain sejenis yang membutuhkan keahlian khusus. Software ini mudah banget digunakan. Dan tidak kalah dengan software-software foto editor lain.

Keterangan dari situs resmi :
FILEminimizer Pictures is free software to reduce the size of your images, photos and pictures by up to 98% through our native file optimization technology. After compression, your photos and images are still in your image format and are still beautiful - but a lot smaller in size!

Share your photos and images easily online on Flickr® and co. and send images easier via email. Optimize and upload photos easier to Facebook® with FILEminimizer's Facebook upload functionality and never waste time again.

FILEminimizer Pictures Features:
* JPEG file compression by up to 98% - reduce your JPEG files from 5MB to 0.1MB in size
* Also compresses BMP, GIF, TIFF, PNG and EMF images and pictures
* Keeps the original file format - simply edit, view and change it without the need to unzip
* Compress whole digital photo albums and galleries at once using a batch process
* Choose the most adequate compression level from 4 different options
* Facebook integration compress your photos and upload them directly to Facebook
* Integrated search function finds all optimizable image files on the PC
* "Drag & Drop" files directly into FILEminimizer Pictures to optimize several files at once
* Fully compatible with Windows 7

Bagaimana cara upload foto di facebook :
search assistant:
open files:
edit file list:
optimization results:
upload to facebook:
FILEminimizer Pictures


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