Anda yang sering loss atau gagal dalam bertrading bisa menginvestasikan dollar anda melaui PM, Payer, dan Bitcoin. Cukup mudah tinggalkan komputer dan hanya tinggal tunggu dollar mengalir ke akun PM, Payer, dan Bitcoin anda.
ini informasi dari websitenya dalam bahasa inggris, mau saya translate error maaf ya!
Earn 160% Return Without Need To Do Anything
We offer an investment plan that allows you to earn 160% of your investments.When you make a deposit, our system will pay floating daily interest until you earn 160% of your deposit. Principal is included in daily payments.
At the time that MATS makes a profit from trading using your deposit, our system will credit your account with a part of that profit in real-time and retains the remaining part to the end of the day.
Every day at 23:59:59, our system calculates the interest rate of the day depending on the amount of total retained profits, and credites each account with a share of that amount in a certain way that ensures all investors get the same interest rate. It means that even if MATS system failed to make profits from trading using your deposits, your account would be credited with an interest rate at the end of the day, because MATS made profits from trading using other investors deposits.

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